
A survey of specialist and non-specialist teachers using Charanga

The positive evidence is overwhelming with two independent masters’ theses showing that schools using the Charanga programme have experienced a significant improvement in music teaching and musical achievement. Our close links with schools means we get a great insight into how effectively the programme is working for teachers.

This year, close to 1,000 music teachers shared their experiences of using the programme via an online survey. 96% reported improvements in the quality of their teaching and pupil attainment. It’s given staff – and non-musicians particularly – the confidence, professional knowledge and tools to deliver exciting and progressive music lessons.

Illustration of teacher with flashing brain

Increased competence

enhanced knowledge
better quality teaching

Illustration of teacher in yoga position

Improved well-being

more confidence/job satisfaction
reduced workload

Illustration of happy pupils with blackboard

Positive student outcomes

increased attainment
more musical activity

Key: specialist non-specialist